Save time before coming in.
Simply choose a form below, print it out, fill it out & bring it to your next appointment.
Intake Form
In order to serve you properly, please complete ALL of the following information and bring it with you to your first visit. You may need to ask family members about the family history. If assistance was required in filling this form out, please indicate on form with name and relationship.
List ALL current prescription medications and how often you take them (if none, write N/A):
Medication Name
Total Daily Dosage
Estimated Start Date
Patient Intake Form
Family Psychiatry
List ALL current prescription medications, mg's and how often you take them (if none, write N/A):
Your Medical History
Please list any allergies:
Current over-the-counter medications or supplements:
Current medical problems:
Past medical problems, non-psychiatric hospitalization or surgeries:
Have you ever had an EKG? Yes No If yes, when was the EKG?
Results: normal abnormal or unknown ?
For Women Only
Date of last menstrual period:
Are you currently pregnant or do you think you might be pregnant? Yes No
Are you planning to get pregnant in the near future? Yes No
How many times have you been pregnant?
How many live births?
Personal and Family Medical History
Which Family Member?
Thyroid Disease
Liver Disease
Chronic Fatigue
Patient Intake Form
Family Psychiatry
Personal and Family Medical History
Kidney Disease
Asthma/Respiratory Problems
Stomach or Intestinal Problems
Heart Disease
Epilepsy or Seizures
Chronic Pain
High Cholesterol
High Blood Pressure
Head Trauma
Liver Problems
Any additional personal or family medical history? Yes No If yes, please explain:
Any history of brain injury, being knocked unconscious, or seizures? Yes No If yes, please explain:
Past Psychiatric History
Outpatient Treatment? Yes No If yes, please list (Reason/Date(s) treated/by whom) below:
Psychiatric Hospitalization? Yes No If yes, please list (Reason/ Date(s)/Location) below:
Past Psychiatric Medications
Please list if you have ever taken any of the following medications: Antidepressants, Mood Stabilizers, Antipsychotics, Sedatives, and Hypnotics, ADHD medications, Anti-anxiety medications. If yes, please list:
Patient Intake Form
Family Psychiatry
Family Psychiatric History
Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with or treated for:
Which member?
Bipolar disorder
Post-traumatic Stress
Alcohol Abuse
Other Substance Abuse
Has any family member been treated with a psychiatric medication? Yes No
If yes, who was treated and what medications and how effective was the treatment?
Substance Use
Have you ever been treated for alcohol or drug use or abuse? Yes No
If yes, for which substances?
If yes, where were you treated and when?
Any history of complicated withdrawal from substances including seizures or delirium tremens (DTs)? If yes, explain.
Patient Intake Form
Family Psychiatry
Are you currently using any alcohol, recreational drugs, or misusing prescription medications? Yes No
Tobacco History
Do you currently use any tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or chewing tobacco? If yes, how much and how often?
Trauma History
Do you have a history of being abused emotionally, sexually, physically or by neglect? Yes No
Educational History
What is your highest educational level or degree attained?
Occupational History
Are you currently: Working Not working by choice Unemployed Disabled Retired
What is/was your occupation and location of employment?
Have you ever served in the military? Yes No If so, what branch and when?
Honorable discharge? Yes No Other type of discharge
Relationship History and Current Family
Are you currently: Married Divorced Single Widowed Partnered
How long?
If not married, are you currently in a relationship? Yes No If yes, how long?
What is your spouse or significant other’s occupation?
Describe your relationship with your spouse or significant other:
Have you had any prior marriages?
Yes No
If so, how many? How long?
Do you have children?
Yes No
Describe your relationship with your children:
Patient Intake Form
Family Psychiatry
Have you ever been arrested?
Yes No
Do you have any pending legal problems?
Yes No
Thank you for completing the following information. If there is anything else that you would like the provider to know, please indicate below:
Emergency Contact/Relationship:
Phone Number:
If signed by a patient representative, state relationship to patient: