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To get started, simply fill out your name, email and phone below so you can easily fill out forms online before coming in for your first appointment.
Family Psychiatry is committed to meeting the needs of our community by providing the best Psychiatric care for individuals of all ages and families. Our team is highly skilled and trained at listening and identifying the needs of each individual. We work in collaboration with our patients to develop a treatment plan for each patient.
We provide diagnosis and care for children, teens, and adults with many conditions, including:
Autism spectrum disorders
Depression and anxiety disorders
Eating Disorders
Oppositional defiant disorders
Sleep Disorders
Monday - Thursday
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 4 PM
1567 Highlands Drive, NE STE 100,#415 Issaquah, WA 98029
Call: (425) 606-0230
Email: info@family-psychiatry.com